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Visconti The Knight’s Templar – Limited Edition 146 of 312 Fountain Pen
Type Fountain pen with piston filling system
Product Name Knights Templar Limited Edition, #146/312
Manufacturer and Year Visconti Pen Company, Italy — circa 2008
Color Ivory resin with aged filigree. The centerpiece of the filagree is a red Maltese cross and, on the back, two knights on horseback, symbol of poverty and the duality friar-soldier. The 6/16″ cap band carries the motif of the red cross and has etched on it: “Non nobis Domine, non nobis; sed nomini tuo da gloriam”, that is the well-known Latin translation of Psalm 115:1: “Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us; but to your name be the glory.”
Fine 23k solid palladium nib. Palladium nibs are thought to be softer writers than gold, hence why Visconti refers to it as a “Dreamtouch” nib.
Condition Mint , in gorgeous wooden box with fountain pen, paperwork, and seal of the Knights Templar.